Similar to the previous entries of the series, the game is primarily an online multiplayer title offering several game modes, including large-scale Warfare, Capture-the-Flag, and Deathmatch. It will also include an extensive offline single-player game with an in-depth story, advancing from the simple tournament ladder to such concepts as team members with their own individual personalities. The following game modes are included:
Team Deathmatch
Capture the flag
Duel: A one versus one gametype. It uses a queueing system, the winner stays, and the loser goes back to the end of the queue. A typical match last five minutes with an unlimited amount of rounds.
Warfare (formerly known as Conquest): An amalgamation of Onslaught and Assault. While basic game rules are equal to those of Onslaught, Warfare adds unlinked nodes which can always be captured (supplying the capturing team with vehicles and a spawnpoint) and countdown nodes (which, after being captured and defended for a certain period of time, create a vehicle or trigger an event helpful to the capturing team) as well as the orb, which can be used to instantly capture and defend nodes.
Vehicle Capture the Flag: Capture the Flag, with vehicles as part of the map; this exists as a separate game type to Capture the Flag, above.
Modes not returning from the previous Unreal Tournament games include Invasion, Mutant, Onslaught, Bombing Run, Last Man Standing, Domination, Double Domination, and Assault; Assault was removed from the game during production. Due to the game's customizable nature these game modes could be recreated by users of the game. Although the game designers claimed that the new Warfare mode would allow maps to be created that play like classic Assault or Onslaught, the reality is that only Onslaught maps can be created, as there is no simple way to implement the timed rounds and Attacker/Defender teams that were the major features of classic Assault.

The vehicles have been split into two factions, the Axon vehicles (made by the Axon corporation) and Necris vehicles. The Axon vehicles are the same from UT2004, but several have significant gameplay changes. In addition, every player is equipped with a personal hoverboard, which is a skateboard-like device that allows players to traverse large maps and get towed when they grapple onto other teammates' vehicles. However, the hoverboard is very vulnerable to attack and any kind of hit will knock the player off the board and disable him or her for several seconds. Additionally, the player cannot use any weapons while on the board.
Axon VehiclesThe returning Axon vehicles include those featured in the Editor's Choice Edition of Unreal Tournament 2004 and are relatively more traditional. Included are the Manta - a fast hovercraft which is more maneuverable in UT3, the Raptor (air superiority dogfighter), Scorpion (light assault buggy, now equipped with mortars, blades that unfold in the front, and now has a speed-boost option which can be used to kamikaze itself into another target), Hellbender (armored jeep, the driver now operates the air mine gun reducing the crew to 2), Cicada (a two person air support vehicle), Hellfire SPMA (remote bombardment cannon with a significant improvement in handling), Paladin (infantry support tank that uses an energy shield), Goliath (battle tank), and Leviathan (heavy weapons platform).
Necris vehiclesThe Necris (undead humans who are the opposition in the tournaments) have a rival set of vehicles. There are six Necris vehicles, and although they are not parallel to Axon's vehicles, they are intended to make a good balance against them.
The Necris Viper is most similar to the Manta, a quick strike ground skimmer armed with single-bouncing energy pellets and a kamikaze function. The Nemesis is essentially a mobile energy turret with adaptable snake-like treads, and the DarkWalker is a heavy offensive vehicle, featuring a twin blast beam on a tripod walker (similar to the tripods from H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds). The Fury is the basic air vehicle of the Necris, with jelly-like propulsion, the Nightshade is a cloaking stealth vehicle with deployables, and the Scavenger is an orb-like vehicle with a complex attack mode that shoots energy beams while the orb itself is moving towards the target.
There are 12 different weapons in the game:
The AVRIL: The AVRIL is an anti vehicle rocket launcher that supports dumfiring and homing capabilities.
The ENFORCER: The main weapon of most infantry soldiers in UT 3. It is a machine pistol that allows for duel wielding and burst fire.
The Link Gun: The link gun can be used as an offensive and defensive weapon. It can heal your vehices using a carrier beam and also aid a comrade who has a link gun by giving him more power to do more damage. In offensive mode it is a deadly plasma rifle and can fire the carrier beam at an enemy foot soldier, turning him into lifeless skeleton.
The Rocket Launcher: The rocket launcher is a very dangerous weapon that if not used correctly it can kill the user and the target with much ease. Adding to the danger of single shots, it also supports the ability to fire three rockets at once.
The Translocator: A teleporter device that allows you to shoot off a disc and whenever you need to, teleport back to said disc.
The Flak Cannon: My personal favorite, the flak cannon has the ability to lob a grenade-like ball that will explode on contact and send high velocity shrapnel flying off in all directions. The flak cannon can also detonate the grenade in its barrel sending the shrapnel flying out like a shotgun.
The Bio-Rifle: The bio-rifle has the ability to shoot out many small globs of toxins or it can lob one large bomb of toxic gas at your enemy.
The Redeemer: Probably the most devastating weapon you have in your arsenal. This portable launch site has the ability to fire a devastating missle that packs the punch of a small nuclear missle. On the down side, the missle moves very slowly giving your enemies enough time to vacate the area if they spot it.
The Shock Rifle: The rifle has the ability to shoot out electricity in one single shot or it can shoot of a massive ball of it which has enough charge to blast your enemies back away from you.
The Sniper Rifle: What more can be said?
The Stinger: Shards of crystal + Mini-gun= total rape. The stinger is what would of been produced if a chain gun and a Needler from Halo 3 mated. Not only can it shoot hundreds of tiny shards of crystal, but it can also fire one big one that doesn major damage.
The Impact Hammer: The impact hammer...you can just tell by its name that it can do some damage. When used, it has the ability to rip apart any enemy sending their blood and body parts flying everywhere. Don't use it for to long though or it might kill you!
Sources: Wikipedia, Unrealtournament3.com, and my personal experience